
Monday 16 December 2013

Short Story Review: From Scotland With Love by Katie Fforde

When Daisy travels to Scotland to confront notorious author Rory McAllan, little does she know that within hours she'll be snowed in with him. But surely she's not going to have to spend her precious New Year's Eve with him too?

Put the champagne on ice, get the fireworks ready and step into the wonderfully warm, witty and romantic world of Katie Fforde.

Review: wow! I really didn't know what to expect from this short story, I haven't read many stories this short this year, a few novellas and serials but not a short story and I have to say, I loved this! I thought the story built up impressively well over such a short period of time, the reader is dropped right in the action straight away and yet the characters and settings are all developed swiftly and fully so you don't feel like you've missed out on anything! 

I wasn't sure I was going to like the character of Daisy from the start of this story, she seemed like a typical city girl who didn't know the first thing about Scotland and wouldn't be able to cope with being snowed in in a remote location with only a grumpy author and a dog for company. This Seems to be how she views herself to begin with as well but the transformation that takes place over the course of the story is pretty impressive and I really liked her at the end, I really really want to find out what has become of her now, I think she deserves her own novel! 

Rory is a typical recluse, a bit grumpy with a history he is trying to hide, but he also comes into his own as the story progresses, I think he too surprises himself with the ways I which he is prepared to change. The storyline as a whole was just totally heart warming. The dog has some puppies, bread is baked and there is Cashmere and knitted throws left right and centre. The setting is so well described and snidely described that I felt as if I was there and I wanted to stay there with Rory and the puppies looking out over the loch! 

Overall I was bowled over with how lovely this short story was. As I've said I wished it was full novel it was just so good. I love wintery books that feature eating and cooking and so this was ideal for me. It had a total Trisha Ashley feel to it, and I could totally identify with the setting as well as the characters. I would recommend this to anyone as a lovely read for this time of year, it is the perfect length for the busy holiday season and is a good introduction to this author for anyone who has not come across her before! 

1 comment:

  1. I've not read any of Katie's before. This sounds like something I might enjoy, so thank you for reviewing it.
