
Monday 17 March 2014

It's my Blogaversary!

Today is the anniversary of my first ever blog post on this blog. Although I had been writing reviews for just over a year before this, this was the conception of this, Fabulous Book Fiend. To celebrate this, I thought I would do a summary of what has happened on the blog over the past year and how far the blog has come.

Book reviews:
I have reviewed 143 books over the year. I didn't realise it had been quite so many but it had. Some of the books I'd read previously and reviewed close to the beginning of my blog and some of these are more recent reviews. If you take a look back at my top ten books of 2013 post, you'll se some of my favourite reviews there. If I haven't enjoyed a book, I've always tried to find something in it other readers might enjoy or something else you might look for, to give you the best impression of the other book as a whole as possible. 

Author interviews: 
On the blog this year I've had interview with authors such as Holly Smale, Sinead Moriarty, Katie Fforde, Primula Bond and Kathryn Player. I've so enjoyed having these authors on the blog and have been interested to read their answers myself before posting them for you guys to see. You,l have noticed that I try to keep my interview questions the same so that you can compare authors answers like for like. I really enjoy interviewing debt authors because its good to get an impression of how much attention they pay to reviews and how they feel leading up to their publications day. I've had interviews overall. 

Authors I've met:
I've got a whole page dedicated to this but it definitely needs updating. This is one of the best things about being a blogger, meeting the authors, my heros. It's always amazing when I meet someone and they've see. This blog or they're aware of my reviews. Meeting Miranda Dickinson at her London !launch of Take a Look At me Now was amazing because she asked all about the blog and then offered to come and speak to the kids I teach, which she did at the start of this year. Lucy Robinson was also lovely and knew who I was and about my blog, we had an amazing conversation about Slough of all places! All the authors I've met have been just so so lovely and I am so lucky to have met so many of them, I hope that the next year of blogging will see me ticking some more author meetings off my Wishlist. 

Other bloggers I've met:
Meeting other blogger has been a bit of a surreal experience. Because we blog online and chat on twitter, it usually involves introducing yourself by way of your blog or twitter handle, but other bloggers are also so lovely and supportive. I loved meeting Amanda from One More Page, she is definitely my blogging guru. Meeting Keri from Read and Repeat Led to me setting up this blog in the first place and she was amazingly supportive whilst I was getting to grips with the ins and outs of actually posting reviews and stuff. Meetings the bloggers from the Bookshop Brits YouTube channel was a very surreal experience, I felt like I knew them all already and it was great to chat away to them in real life. I hope to go to lots more blogger events and bring you lots more publisher gossip over the me to year of blogging and thank you to all the other bloggers for being so friendly and welcoming! 

Giveaways I've hosted:
I've been lucky enough to host some fab giveaways for you guys. Some of these have been through publishers  and some have been giveaways I've organised myself. I've given away two copies of Take A Look At Me Now by Miranda Dickinson. Two Copies of This Child of Mine by Sinead Moriarty. Two Copies of The Perfect Match by Katie Fforde. A copy of Faking It by Cora Carmack. A copy of Its Raining Men by Milly Jonson. I always get seriously excited when I have a giveaway on the blog so I hope you guys do too.  

Cover reveals:
Cover revealing is a very exciting part of blogging, I've revealed some gorgeous covers over the past year. Here are just a few of them...

It's been such a fun year of blogging for me. I've literally enjoyed each and every minute of it. I'm really happy with where the blog is and I love bringing you the reviews of what I've read recently. I think it's amazing the things having this blog has allowed me to do and the people it allowed me to meet. I'm grateful to all the other bloggers who have supported me. All the publishers who have sent me books to review and invited me to fabulous events. And finally I'm grateful to you guys. You're the ones who read my blog posts, support the blog and keep me going. It's been great to interact with you on here over the year as well as on twitter and Facebook and I hope that you all stick with me for another year! 



  1. Happy blogoversary! 143 reviews is A LOT. Here's to another awesome year for you!

  2. Happy blogoversary for about a week ago! You've met more authors than me. probably because I never leave the house... Look forward to seeing more of your blog posts in the future. :D

    ★ Under The Mountain ★
