
Friday 28 March 2014

Review! Bad Brides by Rebecca Chance

Good brides promise to obey. Bad brides wouldn't dream of it… 

Milly Gamble is an up-and-coming actress, and the perfect English flower child. At 23, she's always been cast as the innocent heroine. But looks can deceive. Calculating and fiercely ambitious, Milly is determined to be the most famous star in England. And how better to achieve her goal than by dating Tarquin Ormond, lead singer of the biggest folk band of the moment? Tarquin is madly in love with Milly; Milly is only in love with herself. 

Brianna Jade is an all-American pageant girl. The daughter of Tamra Maloney, a stunning billionairess, Brianna is a sweet, pretty girl who is more than happy to go along with her mother's ambitious plans for her. Now Tamra's brought her to the UK and hooked her up with an Earl. He has a crumbling stately home and needs a rich wife to help restore it to its former glory. Tamra is as ambitious and determined as Brianna is sweet and innocent - is this more a case of mother-in-law-zilla than bridezilla? 

Both Milly and Brianna's upcoming weddings will be huge, lavish events that garner national press. But with the cover of the biggest magazine in the country to be won, things are about to get very dirty…

Review: this is such a fun idea for a book, two brides battling it out, not only to be the cover star of a magazine, but also to find their place in a higher class of society that they are used to. I enjoyed reading this book, I found it a little slow in parts but that didn't make me want to stop reading on. I think sometime the lack of pace that I found was due to the wonderful descriptions that this author included and I wouldn't have wanted those left out for the world-she describes everything from passionate sex scenes to the fabric on a new sofa, right down to the smell of rotting fish-there really are some vivid descriptions in this novel which I loved! 

The two characters are fairly interesting, I found myself really loving the American Bride-Brianna Jade but really disliking the British bride-Milly. Brianna-Jade had some wonderful storylines and had a lot of common sense for someone so you, her fiancé I could take or leave, but I was really interested in her storyline and loved the ending that she got! Milly I thought was seriously spoilt and couldn't see what was plainly right in front of her nose. She clearly reminded me of selfish friends that I have and that is why I couldn't warm to her but she was still excellently written and had some seriously funny moments. Her fiancé, on the other hand, was rather lovely and I really loved the ending he got  as well. 

There were some very important secondary characters in this move, who all had fabulous storylines in their own rights. I loved Milly's assistant Eva, and BJ's mother Tamra. They were wonderfully strong female characters. There were those characters who were out to sabbotage everything as well of course which added that extra bit of drama! Then there was the pig farmer-oh the pig farmer. His scenes were truly spectacular and he'd definitely be the one I'd want my magazine cover with! 

Which leads me on nicely to the sex scenes. As usual, Rebecca Chance has written some seriously hot sex scenes! The attention to detail is fabulous. The heat is off the scale and everyone gets a bit of a look in when it comes to the action, something which I think it truly democratic! There are scenes between men and women, men and men and women and women and all are very realistic, laid bare in front of you, so if you are of a sensitive disposition, maybe this book isn't for you! I loved them though! 

Overall this book was an enjoyable read and definitely something to take your time over. It would be the perfect read for lazing on the beach in the summer, or taking with you on a long haul flight, or even on the dirty weekend in the countryside somewhere. It has likeable characters, characters you love to hot and enough passion to get you seriously hot under the collar. The ending is just perfect and I defy anyone to disagree with me on that front! If you're a Rebecca Chance fan, you'll not be disappointed with this new offering! 

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