
Monday 14 August 2017

Review: I Heart Paris by Lindsey Kelk

ngela is in the city of love -- but romance is taking a nose-dive! When Angela Clark's boyfriend Alex suggests a trip to Paris at the same time as hip fashion mag Belle asks her to write a piece, she jumps at the chance. But even as she's falling for the joie de vivre of Paris, someone's conspiring to sabotage her big break. And when she spots Alex having a tete-a-tete with his ex in a local bar, Angela's dreams of Parisian passion all start crashing down around her. With London and her old life only a train journey away, Angela can't decide if should stay and face the music or run away home!

Review: Ok confession time: if I had to pick one, I mean really had to, I think that this would be the least favourite of the I Heart series for me, but I still loved re-reading it and I would never have left it out and I still love Angela. But i don't heart Paris and I think that might be why I didn't love love love it. Plus there are so many nasty things that happen to lovely Angela and lovely Alex in this book, it was a little on the stressful side! Nevertheless I would still highly highly recommend reading this one because otherwise you will miss out on all the Angela drama and miss out on spending time with the beautiful Alex. 

So I think that this books is where Angela really learns to stand on her own two feet. She doesn't have Jenny with her all of the time, because of Jenny's new Job and Angela being in Paris for work, there aren't even a ton of interactions between them in the middle part of this book. I would have loved to have seen Jenny more obviously because Jenny is amazing, but she needed to take a little step back to allow Angela to see that she could deal with every crisis that comes her way on her own. I loved the way Angela handled a lot of the things that happen in this book, not all of them and I did shout at her a couple of times about not being able to see what was right in front of her face, but then we can't always see things when we are in certain situations can we?

From the way I am talking about these characters you can tell just how well written they are. These people feel like real friends of mine, like if Angela was to tweet something, I would definitely re tweet it for her. Alex is fairly independent in this book too and I didn't always like the way he handled things either, I love you Alex, but I didn't always like you! It is great for Alex and Angela to have some time on their own away from New York dramas to work on their relationship but the storyline meant that there was drama for them every step of the way and that is one of the things that I really liked about this book, the drama. There is so much drama in this book, drama over so many different areas as well and so it definitely meant for a fast read. Having re-read it I had forgotten some of the finer details as well and the way Lindsey Kelk has crafted this story is pretty impressive and must have been hard to map out-bravo!

Obviously I wasn't thrilled about the setting of this one and did keep asking if Angela was going to get a plane back to New York, but it is very well-described. I could definitely picture myself on the Parisan streets with Angela and the shopping she does is pretty immense. There is also a lot of wine drinking in this book, it being Paris and all and I really loved that about it. Unfortunately I listened to this book in audio form, which was incredibly well done, but meant I couldn't be drinking wine because most of the time I was in the car!

Needless to say, despite the setting, this is a great addition to the I Heart Series. The drama, the relationships and the fashion was absolutely on point and whether this is a re-read for you, or a first time, what are you waiting for? Get stuck in!

To order your copy now and catch up with the I Heart Series, just click the link: UK or US


  1. It was good a good review and has gained my interest in buying one copy for myself. What attracted me towards it is that the story is shaped in beautiful words and good order.

  2. Really looking forward to read more

