
Friday 5 April 2019

Review: The Magnificent Mrs Mayhew by Milly Johnson

Behind every successful man is a woman.
Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.

Sophie Mayhew looks like she has the perfect life. Wife of rising political star John F Mayhew, a man who is one step away from the top job in the government, her glamour matches his looks, power, breeding and money. But John has made some stupid mistakes along the way, some of which are threatening to emerge. Still, all this can still be swept under the carpet as long as Sophie 'the trophy' plays her part in front of the cameras.

But the words that come out of Sophie’s mouth one morning on the doorstep of their country house are not the words the spin doctors put in there.  Bursting out of the restrictive mould she has been in since birth, Sophie flees to a place that was special to her as a child, a small village on the coast where she intends to be alone.

But once there, she finds she becomes part of a community that warms her soul and makes her feel as if she is breathing properly for the first time. Sophie knows she won't be left in peace for long. Now she must decide: where does her real future lie? 

Review: Talk about girl power, this novel is total girl power combined with the power of Yorkshire, just the best kind of powers! I found it really easy to get into this story and indeed into the book. I listened to it on audiobook and would definitely recommend the narration, it really brought it to life! I enjoyed getting to know Sophie and her old life but I enjoyed getting to know Sophie in her alternate life as well once she takes part in THAT press conference. 

One of my favourite things about this book was the setting. I enjoyed the fact that we got to see a different side to Yorkshire, a bit of coast and a bit of quiet. It worked so well for the purposes of telling this story and I just loved being transported there from whatever setting I was in. 

I also loved the sense of community and women helping each other as well. Sophie makes some great friends once she gets north of the M25 (of course) and she also has some truly magnificent women supporting her in both locations throughout the book. It is always refreshing reading about women supporting each other rather than them being pitted against each other. 

Another aspect I really enjoyed was the enterprising nature of the characters. These characters are ambitious and whether that meant putting themselves forward in government positions, speaking up for themselves when a man has wronged them or taking it upon themselves to start a truly wonderful business, they gave it their all and really weren't afraid to show their ambition!

If you're looking for some strong women, a great Yorkshire setting and getting the ending people truly deserve then this book is definitely for you!

To order your copy now, just click the link: UK or US

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