Friday 21 November 2014

Marian Keyes event at Waterstones Piccadilly

On 5th November I was lucky enough to get tickets to the event with Marian Keyes at Waterstones Picccadilly. The tickets sold like hotcakes and the event was completely sold out. The excitement continued when I found out that India Knight was actually going to be the one interviewing Marian on the fabulous stage the had concocted. Marian read a passage from her book, something which i always enjoy at a book event, its great to hear authors reading from their books and, as I had already read the book, it was brilliant to hear it read how it was intended to come across to audiences. 

Marian was hilarious and answered questions on anything from writing to how she stole her Mammy's hall table to repaint it, We had a fab discussion about social media and she touched a little on the breakdown that she had five years ago. What was really lovely was that she was asked about the men in her books and how they're so lovely and wonderful and how did she make them up, in fact she has met him and her husband is all those guys in the book and couldn't be more perfect. This was so genuine and sweet coming from someone as much in the public eye as she is. Book Minx aka SJV from Simon and Schuster asked her about her nail varnish collection and a fabulous discussion ensued about make-up recommendations and Christian Loubiton polish.

Afterwards we were able to get our books signed and Marian was lovely to enough to agree to a picture with me. The special edition waterstones versions of the books were available to buy a day early. They have blue painted edges and i think you'll agree they look fabulous. The even was well-organised by Waterstones and both Marian and the book are great fun. If you haven't read my review yet, check that out and happy reading! Click on the picture of the book if you fancy ordering a copy for yourself.

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