Friday 28 April 2017

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon TBR

I am so excited that it is 24 hours readathon time again. And this time I will be reading in a different time zone, making this a completely new experience for me. Before I share with you the books that I'm going to be reading this weekend (or 24 hours of the weekend) I wanted to share some information from the Dewey's site with you, giving you a little more information about what they do... 
'This season we’ll be putting an emphasis on philanthropy and giving. Dewey was one of the most generous people we’ve ever known, willing to give her time and energy and love to our community of readers. We want to share our love of reading and learning through giving. Giving takes many forms, and we know not everyone has the resources to give financially but we’ll be looking at several ideas throughout the event.' 
room to read logo'Our focused effort will be a goal of raising $1,000 for Room to Read, a non-profit organization focusing on literacy and girls’ education across Africa and Asia. You can visit our campaign page or check out Room to Read’sCharity Navigator report card.'
It's such a great readathon, and if you haven't joined in before, I highly encourage you to-here is the link to the times that the readathon starts in your time zone. I will be reading 6am to 6am, new for me since before it was 1pm to 1pm, i wonder how it will affect my pages read?
And how about my TBR? Well this readathon comes at the perfect time because I am racing towards the finish line of my April TBR and so I'm going to take a couple of books from there that I would like to finish this weekend. I also find it handy to have an audiobook on the go during a readathon so that you can still be reading if you have to cook or clean or travel during the 24 hours, and also for when your eyes get tired of reading in the wee small hours! 
Here are the books I have to choose from this weekend:

I am doing a buddy read of this hardback and so I will read my 50 pages for the 2 days that we have agreed upon so I know my page count for this one will be 100!

This is a paperback...

This is an ebook

As always, I may end up picking up something else along the way as the mood takes me but these are all books I know I want to read so I'm going to go for it!

Please do let me know below if you are taking part and do follow my progress on my various social media channels!

Twitter: fabbookfiend 
Instagram: fabulous_book_fiend
Snapchat: fabbookfiend

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