Friday 7 July 2017

July TBR

Well if you followed my June TBR and Wrap up, you'll have seen quite a few July releases that I wanted to get to and I didn't manage to get to all of them during June. So my TBR willl defintiely have some new relases in. There are alos a few library books I didn't manage to get to during June as well.

Now July has some seriously good readathons that I will be participating in. I would really like to start a new series during the 24 in 48 readathon and there is also the BookTubeathon which will see me making some fun videos too.

So here are the books I would like to read in the month of July!

July Releases:

Other Recent Releases :

New series I would like to start:

Other books I would like to get to: