Friday 31 December 2021

My Reading Year 2021

Well 2021 was a year wasn't it? It was so much busier for me than 2020 and I think my reading suggested that. I also moved countries/continents and ticked off the final states I hadn't seen before leaving the US! 2021 was also a return to in person book events which was super exciting! See if you can see the trend in my reading as the year went on...


I read 19 books this month
I participated in Bout of books which was key to the amount of books that I read. 
I got a really good start on some of my review books for the year. 

This was my favourite...


I read 24 books this month.
I started reading Christina Lauren books with the lovely Hayley and read 1 of those each week. I read 3 book to movie adaptations. 
I took part in the 24 in 48 readathon and saved ebooks to read during that readathon.

These were my favourites...


I read 16 books this month (that's 20 less than March last year!).
I did the Kindle clear-out readathon which definitely helped focus my reading this month. 
I read Mike Gayle books this month after enjoying my author focus last month. 

This was my favourite...


I read 11 books this month and DNFd 1 book.
I had a lot of books surprise me this month either that I liked them more than I expected or that I thought I would like them more. 
I went on a plane for the first time since March 2020 thanks to being vaccinated and got to visit Powells books which was a lifetime dream of mine!

These were my favourites...


I read 21 books this month.
I participated in Bout of Books again this month which was such a great success for me!
I enjoyed reading this year's Quick Reads Books.
I did some author interviews on my channel and some buddy reads too.
Looking back, a lot of my favourites of the year were read in this month!

This was my favourite...


I read 17 books this month.
I did a graphic novel reading day...
I concentrated on books on my shelf I wanted to read before moving and honestly, I was disappointed by most of them!

This was my favourite...

Are you ready to watch my reading change now?


I read 7 books this month.
I moved from Denver, Colorado to Yorkshire, England...
I did quite a bit of reading on a plane this month, something that felt like getting back to normality for me.
My whole life changed and I don't think that reading was a priority for me this month somehow!

These were my favourites...


I read 4 books this month, again 20 less than this month last year.
I had to miss the big Bout of Books anniversary readathon which was tough but I just couldn't make that commitment.
I went on the Disney Magic at Sea UK staycation which was a massive highlight of the year for me.
I visited Dentist, hairdresser and many friends and places I hadn't seen in over 2 years!

This was my favourite...


I read 7 books this month 
I started teaching again (yey!) so I had more time to read on my commute (double yey!)
I started working again so I had less time to read at home
I reread 1 book (just like last year)

This was my favourite...


I read 10 books this month.
I did an awful lot of travelling and just generally spent more time in the car this month so I read audiobooks only!
I reread 1 book
Book vs movie videos took charge this month (just like last year!)

This was my favourite...


I read 14 books this month.
I did nonfiction November and read 8 nonfiction books
I also did Netgalley November and read 4 books for review yey!
Just like last November I feel like I stuck well to my TBR this month

This was my favourite...


I read 5 books this month.
I did Vlogmas a little differently, putting up weekly vlogs!
I posted a lot of book vs movie videos this month alongside the weekly vlogs.
I made a small TBR this month and stuck to it!

This was my favourite...

All in all I read 157 books this year which is just about half of what I read last year but I moved continents during a pandemic and went back to working full time again for the first time in over 5 years so I think that is a real achievement! I hope you've enjoyed this post and all my videos this year and I really hope that 2022 is better for all of us. 

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