Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists over there at The Broke and the Bookish. I'd love to share my lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
This seems like a little bit of a negative post today so I may not get to 10. There are things that I want to quit doing but I'm not goin g to dwell on them and I'm not going to beat myself up if I can't do them either!
1. Buying books I don't have time to read. This is still buying books so supporting the amazing authors so I should really change this to have more time to read all the books that I buy but that's just no realistic is it?
2. Having to say to no to what I know are wonderful books offered to me for review. I've had to turn down more and more recently because I've just had so little reading time and I hate it but its better than wasting the books and I have just enough time to talk about them on Twitter instead!
3. Never being able to get round to books I miss the publication day for. Like many people, I rush out to get books on publication day or I'm lucky enough to get them early, but if I don't read them close enough to publication day then the next publication day comes along and I get all excited about those books and don't have time ot read the older books. I'd quite like to take a resolution to read what I want when I want!
4. Continuing to read books I'm 'just not that into'. This is wasting my time and I really don't enjoy writing bad reviews either, not matter how constructive they are!
5. Having blog envy. My blog is mine and I shouldn't be jealous of other people's blogs, they belong to them and mine is special and unique to me. I know I'm neglecting it a little at the moment but it knows I still love it!
Bookish things I DON'T want to quit!
6. Saying yes. This whole blog started up because I said yes and I have had some of the most amazing times because I said yes to bookish events and yes when people asked me if I wanted to join them, seriously some of the best nights and met the best people.
7. Trying new things. It is easy to stick to the authors you know. You feel a sense of loyalty to them and you know you'll love everything they write but I have made some excellent discoveries by trying out new authors or even new genres so I'm definitely not quitting this one!
8. Shouting about books from the rooftops! My colleagues, my family and even the children I teach must be fed up of me pushing books on them and shouting about books by now but there is no way I am not going to shout about my love of books in real life, on twitter and anywhere else I possibly can!
9. Giving time to reading. Yes I have lots of deadlines to meet at work, yes I am completing a masters, yes my other half and I both work long hours but I make time for reading. Whether that means listening to an audiobook on my commute or reading a book whilst waiting for my dinner to arrive in a restaurant, there are moments and they are worth giving over to the love of a good book.
10. This blog. I have mentioned a couple of times now that I feel the blog is slipping a little because things are so full on work-wise at the moment, however I love this blog and there is no way I am going to give it up. yes sometimes I have to stay up a little later or get up a little earlier to post something. Sometimes I need to blog whilst being driven somewhere in the car but I love this blog, I love reading and I love talking about books so this is definitely something I am NOT going to quit!
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