Thursday 31 August 2017

August Wrap Up

As you read this I will be flying across the Atlantic (if you read it on the day I post it obviously, I'm not always in the sky!) how cool is that? So I ended my August reading on 29th August and began my September TBR on 30th August so that I could talk about what I ended up reading on my long long flight back to the UK. You know how it is when you plan to read or watch something on a plane and then end up falling asleep for longer than you intended or being in the mood for one genre over another. So it just seemed easier this way!

So here is what I read during the month of August, thanks to Bout of Books for helping me to end strong! As usual, I have divided this into ebook, physical books and audiobooks!


Physical Books


I also read the first 100 pages of this one but I just couldn't get on with it and so I didn't finish it. It is by one of my favourite authors as well and so I was gutted when I just couldn't finish it. 

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Guest Review: Lost For Words by Stephanie Butland

You can trust a book to keep your secret . . .

Loveday Cardew prefers books to people. If you look closely, you might glimpse the first lines of the novels she loves most tattooed on her skin. But there are things she'll never show you.

Fifteen years ago Loveday lost all she knew and loved in one unspeakable night. Now, she finds refuge in the unique little York bookshop where she works.

Everything is about to change for Loveday. Someone knows about her past. Someone is trying to send her a message. And she can't hide any longer.

I have to start out by admitting that I had never encountered Stephanie Butland's books before I heard about this one. It has a most inviting cover, drawing the reader into the unusual bookshop which is central to the story. Although I was not instantly hooked by the story, and even found it a bit confusing to start with, I was soon spellbound by the unfolding, and at times shocking, tale. 

The principal character in the story is Loveday Cardew, who, we learn, works in a second hand bookshop (Lost For Words) in York. The owner of the shop is the rather eccentric and lovable Archie, who would be fairly well lost himself without her. Add into the mix a former lover, a somewhat strange poet cum magician, a slightly peculiar co-worker and a secret from the past, and we have a really interesting storyline. 

I did find the unusual layout of the book confusing to begin with, but it began to make sense to me as the story progressed. There are separate sections dealing with past and present events; together they explain what has made Loveday into the fiercely independent character she is when we first meet her. Loveday is a character who grew on me, especially as the story of her past unfolded. However, I think that my favourite person was Archie, who was always looking out for Loveday without her even realising.  I absolutely disliked Loveday's one time lover, scary Rob, but then I'm sure that nobody could really claim to like him. On the other hand, I really took to the other man in her life, Nathan, who was charmingly patient and understanding 

Click the link to order your own copy: UK or US

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Hidden Gem Non-Fiction Reads 29/8/17

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists over there at The Broke and the Bookish. I'd love to share my lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

I've been on such a non-fiction kick this summer and so I am please to share with you some of my favourites. I don't look upon these as hidden gems because I'm particularly taken with these books but often when I mention them to other people, they haven't heard of them, so...

I read this very recently and it so much much more than the subtitle! It has so any facts and figures but all of them centred around opinions which was really interesting. 

I loved this read so much and I think that now James Corden has made it big in America, its kind of been forgotten about. I've mentioned this one a few times recently so that must mean I'm due for a re-read!

This was another recent read and another new release but I haven't heard anyone else talking about this one. I gave a mini review of it on my channel...

Another recent release and by a big online personality but, again, I haven't spoken to many other people who have read or own this! I also made a video about this one on my channel because it was just so beautiful!

I loved this read so much and again is was so much more than what it suggests on the cover. I learned a lot about the publishing industry, about motherhood and about living your best life!

This was such a funny read. A lot of the material in here shows up in her comedy shows and so if you've seen those you'll get the general feel of this book. Again, I haven't heard many people talking about this book and it was a real treat to read!

Again a new release that I haven't seen many people online reading. I know that a few of the essays in this book will be ones I will re-read. A few of them also introduced me to new 'unruly women'. 

This book is not just about Starbucks! I think that's all I need to say really...

Another collection of stories, concerning lots of different aspects of being an American housewife. This is really a mixture of fiction and non-fiction but I read this all in one sitting and so it definitely needs some more spotlight!

I loved this listen and there was a lot of hype surrounding the paperback but the audiobook is AMAZING! And this also taught me a lot about being a woman in the media and being a mother, I loved it. 

Again there was a lot of hype around this book when it first came out but it seems to have disappeared from everywhere. This was another read that I devoured in one sitting. It is an honest and moving account and definitely something I wish I'd read when I was younger!

Monday 28 August 2017

Bout of Books Day 7 Update and Wrap Up

So today marks the end of the Bout of Books readathon. I love this readathon so much and even though I had a pretty busy week I still managed to do a lot of reading this week thanks to making sure I got some reading in the evenings in and during the day I listened to audiobooks whilst I was busy. I took part in all but the Love to Hate challenge because that was the day I was really struggling with a migraine. And I took part in the first Twitter chat (the second was far too early on a Saturday morning for me!)

If you've been following me on social media, you'll have seen regular updates on there and I am planning on making a vlog style video for the week so keep an eye on my YouTube channel for that coming soon!

Day 7 updates first, grand totals are at the bottom as always.

I read the final 203 pages of this one, I loved it and so my review will be coming very soon!

I read all of this one, yes I read a whole book on day 7-go me! This book comes in at 198 pages.

I also finished the last few stories in this book, I think it totals around 120 pages, but I jumped around a bit so I'm not 100% sure on that. 

And finally I finished the last 50 pages of The Guard. I think this was my least favourite of the stories from happily ever after but I am still glad that I read it because it really does give you insight into the other characters and their stories. 

Ok here are the books I started and finished during the readathon.

199 pages

223 pages

327 pages

393 pages

224 pages

416 pages

320 pages

328 pages

339 pages

198 pages

Here are the books I finished during the readathon

I read the last 100 pages of this one. 

I read the last 120 pages of this one

And I started this but didn't finish...

I had previously started this one and I probably only listened to a few chapters of this so I won't count it towards my pages but will acknowledge that I did some reading of it. 

Pages Read Day 7: 472
Pages Read This Week: 2369 (yes my eyes hurt!)
Complete Books Finished: 10!

I'm really pleased with these totals and it means that I can return my books to the library read rather than unread, obviously I have to return them all because I'm leaving the country and will be sad to do so, but I feel better that they are read!

Did you take part in Bout of Books this week?

If you did, let me know how you got on in the comments, and if you didn't please please take part in January, it it so much fun!