Sunday 27 August 2017

Life Update-Why I'm Reading Less This Autumn!

Ok so if you follow my YouTube channel you may have seen this video but this video basically explains what's going on and why things from the blog and my social media will be slightly different...

But the great news is that I've already got several author events lined up so there will be videos and posts from these. I will also get to see more of you as well because I will be dotting up and down the country as much as time and finances will allow. So make sure you're following me on social media (Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat/Facebook/Goodreads) and you will be up to date with everything that's going on.

The other silver lining from all of this will be that I will hopefully have more money to buy books, books are generally more affordable in the UK too and so you can expect plenty of book hauls!

Thank you for your support and understanding and to quote American Pie (love those films so much!) TO THE NEXT STEP!

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