Sunday 6 April 2014

Letterbox Love #6 plus Jane Costello Giveaway!

Welcome to Letterbox Love, this is a UK meme, hosted by the lovely Lynsey at Narratively Speaking and inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox. This post is a means by which to highlight the books we get in the post and beyond, and especially to bring attention to those books which may be sat on our shelves for a little while yet that we love all the same.

I've received some amazing books over the past couple of weeks from publishers & events I've attended. I've been keeping up well with my book buying ban & it's coming up to Easter-not feeling the strain (too much!)

I also have an AMAZING giveaway at the bottom of this post that I urge you to get involved in because it's a fab book (as you'll know if you've read my review!)

The first book I received a week ago now was A Kiss in The Dark by Cat Clarke. I've heard such good things about this book & I plan on reading it over the Easter hols-YEY! Thanks to Quercus for this one...

I know I mentioned The Accident by CL Taylor in a previous post but I didn't include a picture & my review for this will be up on pub day-woo! I also received a copy of The Geography Of You And Me by Jennifer E Smith. My review of this will ALSO be up on the blog this week. Thanks to Avon & Frances for these!

I also received a gorgeous copy of The Perfect Match by Katie Fforde. I had a guest review as well as a giveaway of this in my blog but hopefully this will be another Easter read for me as I'm very into books about property & rennovation at the moment. Thanks to Transworld for this one!

Yesterday I received Things We Never Say by Sheila O'Flanagan from the lovely people at Book Bridgr. This was my first experience of using this blogger/publisher platform & I found it to be really good! I'm looking forward to reading this as it's been on my wishlist for a while (another Easter read I feel!)

Finally-I attended the Stylist event for Jane Costello's lovely new novel The Time of Our Lives. It was fab & I'm going to do a write up next week but we got some fabulous fabulous goody bags at the end of the night including: a SIGNED copy if the book; a copy of stylist magazine; some gorgeous Books and The City postcards & bookmarks; a cupcake handbag mirror & a gorgeous little book of quizzes/puzzles.

And you lucky blog readers can win a goody bag exactly the same as mine including all that fabulous bookish swag. Just tell me in the comments below what your dream holiday would be (the theme of the book) and keep your eyes peeled on twitter/Facebook/the blog next weekend to find out if you've won! The giveaway is UK only this time-sorry!


  1. My dream holiday would be a week on a Scottish island. Me, hubs, our dog, books for daytime and the stars at night.

  2. My dream holiday would be a week in New York with my husband and little girl. I read so many books based there :)

    1. I know the books make you want to go there so badly!!

  3. my dream holiday is to visit NYC, LA & Las Vegas so I can walk in the shoes of my favourite book characters Becky Bloomwood and Angela Clark.

    1. Done two out of three of those, Las Vegas is the final wish!

  4. Dream holiday would be somewhere like Canada or the US, in the mountains: a log cabin with a fire and a really comfy reading chair!

  5. Dream holiday would be to explore the glorious architecture and history of so many places in Italy: Rome, Florence and Tuscany to start with. Then to travel for a few weeks on the Orient Express - hopefully no murders though!!

    1. Ooo orient express, that's something I wouldn't think of-great choice!

  6. A Kiss in the Dark is amazing! And cant wait to read The Accident.
