Pull up a deck chair and bask in the beautiful sunshine on Buttercup Beach. The sand is warm, the sea is sparkling blue and romance is sizzling in the air…
For two years Freya Greene has hidden the fact that she’s totally and utterly in love with her best friend Rome Lancaster. It’s not been easy – they work together in his glasswork business, she lives above his workshop and, he’s completely gorgeous. But Rome has never shown any sign of returning those feelings. Until now…
Lately they’ve shared affectionate touches and words heavy with meaning. Yet Freya knows Rome has a damaged heart. After losing his fiancĂ© in a tragic accident, he’s not allowed himself to fall in love.
Freya has already had her heart broken by a man who couldn’t let go of a past love. Can she risk it happening again? Rome and Freya have a friendship that could blossom into something more. Are they both brave enough to take that chance?

Review: firstly, I loved the fact that this was a companion novel but not a sequel to Spring at Blueberry Bay. I loved the characters in that novel, especially the siblings that it revolves around and so I was really pleased when I got to hear more from that family and more from Hope Island.
The characters in this novel are great, even if they did drive me a bit crazy at time. This novels centres around Rome and Freya. Rome's sister Bella was the subject for Holly's previous book and so we do get to hear a little from her in this novel but this one is really all about Rome and Freya and how their relationship develops. They are both lovely people and great characters to be able to sympathise and relate to straight away but boy did they make me frustrated at times. My husband will attest to the fact that I was shouting at them as I read this because of some of the things they were doing or not doing as the case may be. I love when a character in a book has that hold over you though, don't you?
This is mainly about their relationships but there is also great insight life on the island in this novel. There are some fabulous coastal scenes obviously and we get a real insight into how the dynamics work and how people manage day to day which, as a reader, I really appreciated. Holly Martin gives some great descriptions of the people and places and she really has a gift when it comes to sex scenes. The sex scenes in all of her novels will definitely have you hot under the collar and this one is no exception!
I really enjoyed this read. I didn't love it as much as Spring at Blueberry bay but it was a great to have a spin off novel, nevertheless. The family dynamics and the steamy romance are what made it for me and this one is definitely a summery read so great for packing into your suitcase or sitting in the garden and reading. I enjoyed this read and can't wait to hear more from the gang on Hope Island!
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