Saturday 3 June 2017

June TBR

So I like having a theme for my reading each month. February was YA, last month was A to Z and so this month is going to be 'books I already have'. I have such a great shelf of books. I've still got some books checked out of the library and of course I have a ton of books I've been sent by publishers to read for June and July. So June is going to be a month of reading books I have, trying to catch up a little bit on reviews that I have. I have also been reading a combination of mainly physical books and audiobooks, ignoring my Kindle so you can expect more ebooks in the month of June!

There is a summer reading challenge which runs in June/July/August which is to read 20 books over the summer. I don't really think I need to take part in this as there are a couple of other readathons coming up in those months that I will be taking part in too. But if you are interested, click the image to be taken to that page, its never too late to sign up to a readathon!

As usual I will split this into June releases, some July releases (UK dates) and the other books I want to get to. For some books I've included both covers where the UK and US cover are different. You can click the picture of each book to be taken to the buy page.

June Releases

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July Releases

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Other Books I Want to Read/Finish (you know I love having a nice big pool to choose from!)

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 Seven Days of You by [Vinesse, Cecilia]

History Is All You Left Me by [Silvera, Adam] 

Alex and Eliza by [Cruz, Melissa de la]

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Windfall by [Smith, Jennifer E.] 

(US Link:

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