I know I'm posting on the wrong day but I'm just blaming the 7 hours time difference at the minute so let's just go with top ten Tuesday on a Wednesday yeah?
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists over there at The Broke and the Bookish. I'd love to share my lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
So could totally list a whole load of authors you should be following on here but instead I'm goingtno o list the book enthusiasts and the bloggers because honestly, these are the people who are amazing to talk about books with and champion each and every book they love and so they are the ones you definitely need to be following on twitter.
1. Rea @bookreviewbyrea blogs at reabookreview.blogspot.com for all things women's fiction!
2. Laura @midnightstar3 blogs at lauraslittlebookblog.co.uk for a mix of romantic comedy, crime and YA.
3. Zarina @zarinatweets a contributor for Novelicious and go to person for all fabulous events!
4. Rebecca @beccasbooksuk blogs at thisisbeccasbooks.blogspot.co.uk and also has novels to read!
5. Amanda @onemorepage blog at onemorepage.co.uk for all things women's fiction and all the upcoming books you need to know about!
6. Sam @sam_smith73 blogs at mrsbbooks2011.blogspot.co.uk a fellow teacher with a mix of YA, MG and women's fiction
7. Kevin @bookevin_ blogs at bookevin.Wordpress.com mainly YA but some fab Rom Coms in there too!
8. Julie @julieboon blogs at boons bookcase.blogspot.co.uk a fellow women's fiction lover!
9. Kelly and Amy @compellingreads blog at compellingreads.co.uk
10. Debbie @snugglingonsofa blogs at snugglingonthesofa.com a champion of YA and MG as well as Sophie Kinsella!
So there you have it, a list of people to go and follow on twitter if you don't already!
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