Saturday 29 September 2018

Review: [Dis]connected Poems & Stories of Connection and Otherwise by Various

Humanity exists in a hyperconnected world, where our closest friends, loves, and enemies lie but a keyboard stroke away. Few know this better than the poets who have risen to the top of their trade by sharing their emotion, opinion, and art with millions of fans. Combining the poetic forces of some of today’s most popular confessional poets, this book presents poems and short stories about connection wrapped up in a most unique exercise in creative writing. Follow along as these poets connect with each other—offering their poetry to one of their fellow contributors, who tells a story based on the concept presented to them. With poetry, stories, and art, [Dis]Connected is a mixed media presentation of connection, isolation, love, and loneliness.

Review: This was a really great collection of poetry and short stories. The fact that contemporary poets are paired together to write short stories based on the other's poem is such a great premise and a great exercise in creative writing too. I loved the way the poems and stories connected together and the way each poet chose to interpret lines or ideas in each others poems and use that as a starting point from the story. 

Some stories highlight words and phrases from the poem that have been used and some include a note on how they have interpreted the poem. This was really helpful as a reader. I particularly enjoyed Cyrus Parker's poem and story, both were real but dark and I liked that reality. 

Another Entry that I really enjoyed was the short story by Yena Sharma Purmasir. The beauty of this is that I have not come across this poet before and so I will now go out and see what else I can find that they have written-genius! I didn't connect with each and every poem and story, but again that is the beauty of a collection like this. I did read everything, I discovered new writers and I connected with quite a few poems. 

Make sure you check out the content of each of the stories before picking this one up in case there are triggers for you but otherwise, I would really recommend this collection, especially if you are only just discovering these contemporary poets, this is a great mix!

To order your copy now, just click the link: UK or US

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