Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists over there at The Broke and the Bookish. I'd love to share my lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
Ok top ten this week will be bookish things I am thankful for. I know this is a bit of a mixed bag of a list but its going to make for a different post today!
1. Audiobooks, I've done posts and posts and posts about audiobooks, I love them and they are so helpful and if you want to find out some of my favourite audiobooks, just search for audiobooks on my blog and you'll find many posts!
2. Libraries. Right now I have literally just received my entire book collection. I don't have a job right now either and so I love my library! The library near where I live is massive and amazing and the whole library group is great because they have such a vast collection and they run events and reading groups as well as writing groups and film evenings-how cool!
3. Goodreads. I rely on goodreads to keep track of my reading. With the wedding coming up soon I have been fairly lax with my reading and so I have found this very helpful to keep me going and keep track of what I am reading and how.
4. E-books. Ebooks mean that I can still get hold of my favourite UK authors, even when they haven't had books released in the USA! Ebooks also mean that I can take like 300 books away with me and only have the weight of my Kindle to contend with at checkin!
5. Book blogs. I love reading other people's blogs! I like reading reviews but mostly I like posts like this that form some sort of discussion or are helpful regarding my book collection in some way.
6. Twitter! The BEST place to chat books!
7. BookTube, responsible for so many of my book purchases, I've recently started making videos too and I just love it for watching videos about books. I think that book hauls, TBRs and readthon videos are my favourite!
8. Publishers, thank you to all the publishers that find the awesome stories and their authors and make then happen as books that go out into the world into my hands!
9. Authors! I love you all. It is hard work writing a book! I cannot believe how much effort it takes and I don't know how you all continually come up with original ideas, I am so lucky to have interacted with so many authors and read so many books by so many wonderful authors in my life so far!
10. Number 10 has to be the books doesn't it. The paper backs, the hardbacks, the dust jackets, the library books, the mini hardbacks, the coffee table books, the travel guides, the memories, the I spy books, the proof copies, the collector editions, the books on CD, books on tap, ebooks, audiobook sand books that have been read to you by a very kind teacher. They are all amazing and I just love them!
I Hope that list made sense to you, I know it is a lot to read but these are the bookish things I am thankful for, in no particular order.
I would love to hear what you think of my list and I would love to hear what you are thankful for this thanksgiving. This will be my first thanksgiving in America and so I'd love to hear from you in the comments!
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