Tuesday 2 April 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Things That Make Me Pick up a Book 2/2/19

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

I think if you've been following along for a little while now, you'll probably know which things are going to make this list but it's going to be fun to make!

1. If it's an author I love. An autobuy author will definitely make me pick up a book. Whether I get to that book right away or not is another matter!

2. If someone tells me to. Now this isn't just any someone but someone I trust. I have a few people in this wonderful bookish community that if they tell me to drop everything and read this, I will. 

3. If I am in the mood for something. Sometimes I am desperate to pick up a memoir in audio form or a library book that features food. I am a big mood reader and so I am definitely likely to pick something up if I'm specifically in the mood for it. 

4. If it is set in New York. I have always been a sucker for things set in this city and I think I always will be. 

5. If it involves people having babies. I don't have any myself but just like "The Yorkshire Pudding Club' by Milly Johnson or 'The Baby Group' by Rowan Coleman, this will make me pick up a book!

6. The cover. I have been known to buy books based on the cover. Now I am definitely more likely to borrow a book from the library because it jumps out at me because of the cover, that's definitely better but still...

7. If my library hold comes in. If there has been an especially long wait for a book and I know there will be people in line behind me then when my library hold comes in, you know I am going to be reading that book right now.

8. If I see it over and over again on Instagram. Yes I know this is how its meant to work and I am particularly guilty of doing this, but I'm holding my hands up!

9. If it is a spin off or sequel to another book. This author might not necessarily be an autobuy author of mine but if I have liked a previous book of theirs and they bring out a sequel or a spin off, you know I have to read it!

10. If i am in the mood to re-read something. I know this kind of follows on from number 3, but if I want to re-read a favourite of mine or want to re-read something before the sequel comes out then nothing else will do!

What things make YOU pick up a book?

Let me know!

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