Monday 18 July 2016

Booktubeathon TBR

So this year I have decided that I would like to start making some YouTube videos. I'd like to document some of the exciting new places that I go and I will hopefully be uploading some videos and pictures etc onto YouTube and onto the blog here as well. I already post videos on my snapchat so come and have a look at those. 

But I thought what better way to start off doing some booktubing than to join in with the Booktubeathon! 

There are 7 reading challenges and so I'm going to list my TBR based on those reading challenges, not sure how I'll get on as it's my final 3 days at school and then I'm packing up to move but here goes. 

1. Read a book with Yellow on the cover. 

For this I'm going to be reading Geek Girl, Sunny Side Up by Holly Smale. 

2. Only Read a book after sunset. 

For this I'm going to read my bath time book which is How To Find Your First Husband by Rosie Blake (I've already started this but I need a head start this week!)

3. Read a book you discovered through booktube

For this one I'm going to read Kindred Spirits by Rainbow Rowell because it's been on my shelf for ages and I heard about this author through. BookTube! 

4. Read a book by one of your favourite authors

For this one it's going to be another Holly Smale. I just started the late tes Geek Girl: Head Over Heels on audiobook and so I'm going to finish that this week! 

5. Read a book that is older than you

I really struggled with this one so it may change. I recently bought a chalet school novel, Jane at the Chalet School and so I think is like to read that one! 

6. Read and watch a book to movie adaptation

I'm going to choose Harry Potter and The Philosphers stone for this one. I've been reading the book with my class so we need to finish reading that and we need to watch the film to compare the 2!

7. Read 7 books. This is going to be tough and I don't think I'm going to do it so I'll add another book just in case I have time, which in won't but book number 7 would be...

Love me Tinder by Nicola May-another of my favourite authors! 

Obviously I'm also going to try and make some videos this week, take part in some Instagram challenges and of course tweet about all the reading I'm getting done-totally but aside from that, I'd just like to try and read some of what I've set out to read! 

I hoe you have a great week and I'll see you on the other side! 

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