Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists over there at The Broke and the Bookish. I'd love to share my lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
Its like this has been created with me in mind. One of the things I love about reading, and one of the things I always tell the children I benefit from when reading is learning new things, reading new things or trying new things as a result of reading a novel. So this top ten is going to be nice and easy!
1. Explore London. So many books set in so many parts of London that I haven't heard of before. When i fist moved down to this neck of the woods and my job wasn't quite as stressful as it is now, I would spend my weekends exploring parts of the tube network that I wouldn't otherwise see. Its amazing what a reduced cost travel card from Slough will let you do/see. Of course I was reading books the whole time too!
2. Go to San Francisco. Obviosuly I won't be arriving in San Fran until 4 days after this post goes live, but It is something that I have been inspired to do by books and writers, so mnay great novels set here, I can't wait to get stuck in!
3. Read other books. Books mention other books, a lot of non-fiction books or perhaps classics. But lots of books have inspired me to read other books. Evene take the example of Matilda. That books inspired me to spend more time at the library but it also told me abotu Charles Dickens and Nicolas Nickleby and to know these authors at such a young age was a really cool thing!
4. Eat. So many books about food, so much good food to eat, its inevitable that I've eaten more chocolate/croissants/cupcakes/bread because of food (Jenny Colgan has a lot to answer for in this department) but I think I have tried a more varied range of food becuase of being inspired to do so by books!
5. Go to Italy. So of course I have always wanted to go to Italy, who hasn't? But i think reading so many books set there or where the main character travels there and has a amazing time has really helped. I love Adriana Trigiani's writing and I love the idea of going to Italy and seeing some of the towns that her main characters travel to!
6. Date. I know this sounds like a bit of an obvious one and could have been inspired by watching Sex and the City or other such TV programme, but seeing characters go out and meet people in books has inspired me to date over the years. I think seeing other's happy endings has given me faith in trying to find my own happy ending. I strange one but a valid one, I'm sure you'll agree!
7. Visit New York. This one is so obvious so I've left it way down the list here. I'm going back there again soon and even considering a move there, books set in New York-I heart you!
8. Go to a Puffin Sanctuary. I'm not sure I'm actually going to have time to do this now before I move away, which is sad, but I was inspired by another Jenny Colgan novel to do this and so one day I will-love it!
9. Be a better teachers. From reading about Miss Honey in Matilda, to reading about teachers who deal with stresses like I do on a daily basis and still manage to have a life and, dare I say it, even manage to have a family! reading books about teachers inspires me to be a better teacher. We never stop learning and so even if the characters are only fictional characters, I know I can learn something from them as I go along!
10. Try out writing of my own. I know this does contradict the previous point slight but hey...This is probably the biggest thing that books have inspired me to do. I have had authors and other bloggers tell me I should start writing. Read books similar to the ideas I have in my own head, seen characters in books reach for their dreams and achieve them. Books have made me try out wirting for myself and now I actually have some time which has been gifted to me to really make a go of it, I'm hoping I'm going to love it just as much as all the wonderful authors I have been lucky enough to come into contact with do.
As you read this, hopefully I will be on a plane and so it would be lovely if you left me a comment with some of the things you've learnt or done as a reault of reading a book so that I have comments when I get off the flight at the other end!
Happy Reading!
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