Friday 11 January 2019

Review: Code Girls by Liza Mundy

Recruited by the U.S. Army and Navy from small towns and elite colleges, more than ten thousand women served as codebreakers during World War II. While their brothers and boyfriends took up arms, these women moved to Washington and learned the meticulous work of code-breaking. Their efforts shortened the war, saved countless lives, and gave them access to careers previously denied to them. A strict vow of secrecy nearly erased their efforts from history; now, through dazzling research and interviews with surviving code girls, bestselling author Liza Mundy brings to life this riveting and vital story of American courage, service, and scientific accomplishment.

Review: This book was recommended to me because of my love of nonfiction about strong women and it really didn't defy my high expectations. This book gives so much information about the code girls, their history and their position of power during world war 2. The difference between this and other nonfiction books on the subject is that this does so through actual case studies and follows a group of Friends and the women who surrounded them as they took up their new positions. 

I was shocked and surprised at some of the facts and figures that this book throws out there. It definitely shines a light on how women and other minority groups were and are treated in different military groups. The fact that these women were not always taken seriously even though they had such a vital role in the war effort was truly astonishing. I was also surprised to find out how much of the developments we have for women in the work place today came from this period in history, the fact that men and especially those in power hadn't even thought of the fact that women would need different uniforms and places to live and the same kind of training and men in the navy had-really eye-opening!

The fact that this book is told by telling the stories of a female friendship group made it instantly more relatable. I like facts and figures but if I can put a face to those facts and a face to that position or that discovery then I find it so much more engaging. This book also had a great epilogue that meant we got to find out what happened to the women profiled in this book not just after the war but where they are now, if they are still alive, and what became  of their friendship group. I really enjoyed this book, I did it on audio and would recommend it in any format if you're looking for some more nonfiction to add to your reading list. 

To order your copy now, just click the link: UK or US

1 comment:

  1. OH. My brain totally did a screaming, jumping-up-and-down fit when I read this review! Totally right up my alley, and I'm going to keep my eye out for this. Thank you!!!
