Thursday 10 January 2019

Bout of Books 24 Day 3 Update & Day 4 Challenge

Yesterday wasn't the BEST day for reading but I did make a little progress in both of the books I started the day before. I also did the daily challenge and the instagram challenge which were both fun! I chose sleep over breakfast reading which was a poor choice but I made it so what can I do about it now?

Today's Challenge
'Take a favourite book and re-write the synopsis (book description) from the point of view of the non-main character/focus. e.g. Harry Potter from the view of Draco, The Hunger Games from the view of Peeta.'

This is a tricky one because so many of the books that I read are written in the first person but since it is publication day today I'm going to go for this one. 

"Paris is, as my late father used to say, where I left it. The city doesn't know what anything had changed. In the same way it always has, this city accepts me just the I am. I return, I love it back."

I never saw it coming, my world revolved around David and then suddenly everything was turned upside down. I have my music and I have my shop but I don't know what I'm going to do anymore, all these secrets are suddenly surfacing and I seem to be acquiring strange new friends and new challenges in my life, this is not the way I had planned it!

The Books

I read another 30% of this beauty, I would have read more but unfortunately I had to give into sleep again! I'm now up to page 200 so I read a total of 120 pages of this one. 

I was also able to listen to some more of Evermore yesterday. I listened whilst in the movie theatre waiting for the actual film to start and then I listened whilst driving around and whilst clipping my coupons! I listened to another 15% or so, about 80 pages. 

Pages Read Today:  200
Pages Read This Week: 1208
Complete Books Finished: 3

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