Monday 23 July 2018

24 in 48 July 18 Readathon Wrap Up

Ok its finally the end of the 24 in 48 readathon. I like this readathon because it allows you to do other things over the course of the weekend and still read loads with lots of other people on the internet!

I'll break down my reading progress then show you what/how many pages I read. I was also vlogging throughout the weekend so lookout for that vlog on my channel and I'll add it to this post when it's ready!

10pm-3am Reading (5 hours total)
3am-7am Sleep
7am-2:30pm Reading (12.5 hours total)
2:30pm-11:30pm Lunch/Concert
The concert was way longer that I thought it was going to be, I thought this was only going to be a few hours out of my readathon, not 9!
11:30pm-2am Reading (15 hours total)
2am-7am Sleep
7am-1pm Reading (21 hours total)
1pm-3pm Nap (fell asleep listening to my audiobook-woops!)
3pm-6:38pm Reading (24.5 hours total yey!)
6:38pm-10pm Eating, resting my eyes and writing this post! (ok so maybe I started a new book, but that totally doesn't count!)

So my stopwatch app seems to be just a little bit silly. I was trying to remember to screenshot but it crashed so this is the last screenshot that I took...

I didn't do all the challenges but completed the 'read books' spreadsheet on the 24 in 48 website. I did some of the challenges and I won a prize as well, so exciting! I updated on Goodreads, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram stories of course. 

This was the first book I finished in the readthon. I was already 102 pages into it and so I read 298 pages of this one to finish it. 

This was the one I wanted to finish this weekend. I knew it was one I wanted to read all at once because it was such an emotional book and I wanted to digest all that emotion all at once. This was 537 pages and I loved every single word! 

In hindsight, 2 emotional books when you're reading in the wee small hours of the morning was maybe a mistake...


I listened to this one on audiobook. To begin with I listend to it whilst making food, having a shower of ready to fall asleep so I would rest my eyes and then when While I Was Sleeping was finished I dedicated the rest of my time to finishing this audiobook. I thought about switching to the physical copy I got from the library but my eyes, I think, were done and my head hurt so I stuck to the audio. It was very well narrated. This was 352 pages. 

Altogether I read 1187 pages, I can feel it believe me! I read 2 complete books and the last 2/3 of another book. I think I've read more complete books in previous readathons but I'm happy with that. I think my eyes were more tired from crying at the first 2 books I read to be honest. I can't wait for the next readathon and I'm looking forward to the next on, I've already got my TBR lined up!

Did you participate in the readathon? Let me know what you read this weekend either way!

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