Wednesday 8 January 2020

Bout of Books 27 Day 2 Update and Day 3 Challenge

Well Day 2 of the readathon was as I expected it to be. I knew I wasn't going to have much time to actually sit down and read a physical book today and I really didn't, hence why I only made a little bit of progress on anything other than audio. On the other hand, I did some good audiobook listening, i listened in the car and on my walk and in the cinema and whilst making lunch so I actually managed to finish another entire audiobook. 

Day 3 is going to be a bit of a 'being out and about' day and I am seeing another film, however I should get some actual reading time in this evening so we'll see how it goes!


Today's challenge is over on Twitter so go and check out my twitter feed (@fabbookfiend) and I will be participating over there. 

Reading Update

I listened to all of Inside Out by Demi Moore-272 Pages

I read another 16% of We Use to Be Friends by Amy Spalding which comes out today-this equates to approximately 62 pages.

Pages Read Today: 334

Pages Read This Week: 936

Complete Books Finished: 3

1 comment:

  1. Wow your progress is amazing! I've only finished one book and have been super busy so haven't been able to read much today, but hopefully tomorrow is better!
