Sunday 26 January 2020

Paige Toon Readalong Readathon

There are some books coming out this year that I am very excited about but probably one of my most anticipated 2020 releases is Paige Toon's new novel The Minute I saw You. This one publishes on 14th May in the UK and I just can't wait.

I was going through some of my top books of the decade at the end of last year and I noticed that I had a couple of Paige Toon novels sitting unread on my shelf so I thought what better way to get to them than host a readalong of all her back list titles in the run up to publication day of The Minute I Saw You? I spoke to my friend Hayley to see if she'd be on board and so we hashed out the details and here we are!

 We're going to be reading a book a week starting on February 1st and if there is a short story or sequel that goes with that book we'll be reading that in the same week too. I'll be vlogging the whole process and Hayley and I will be hosting some discussions over on social media too. 

I've listed all the books and reading date below. If a short story/sequel has its own ebook version I've listed that, otherwise it can be found in the bind up of all the short stories/sequels One Perfect Christmas-so you have options of how you would like to read. 

We would also love to read the Jessie Jefferson novels as well but we know that young adult isn't everyone's cup of tea, just like adult fiction isn't everyone's cup of tea, so we'll be doing those afterwards, at the end so you can choose to join in or not. 

I'm very excited about this readalong because some of these novels will be a first time read for me and others will be a much welcome re-read. I have some of these on audio, some on ebook and others in paperback form. Others I will be borrowing from my library so you have time to see if your library has them, or time to download or buy from your preferred outlet. I'll leave links to each book if you still need to track them down. 

Here are the books and dates-any questions, just leave a comment on this post or get in touch with Hayley or I over on social media...









Any questions or comments, just leave them below or get in touch with Hayley or I over on social media. And remember this is just a fun readalong and a way to get hyped up for The Minute I Saw You. You don't have to read all the books, feel free t jump in and out as you wish-happy reading!

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