Friday 10 January 2020

Bout of Books 27 Day 4 Update and Day 5 Challenge

Today was all about finishing off for me. I really really wanted to finish my ebook of We Used to Be Friends because I really felt like it had been dragging on all week. I didn't expect to finish my audiobook as well but between doing stuff around the house and going to the gym I also ended up listening to a lot of that. I have read the prologue of my next ebook as well but I didn't count that in my pages for today since I ended up listening to my audiobook until after midnight so I exchanged those pages!


Today's challenge is celebrating books with books or book-related professions, characters, and/or plots. Share the title, author, and genre! This is exciting, I might incorporate it into my instagram challenge as well but here's a list of books like that I've read recently...

Reading Update

I listened to the rest of Unexpected Lessons in Love by Lucy Dillon, it was awesome-343 Pages

I read the final 39% of We Use to Be Friends by Amy Spalding which comes out today-this equates to approximately 150 pages.

Pages Read Today: 493

Pages Read This Week: 2032

Complete Books Finished: 5

Part Books Finished: 1

1 comment:

  1. Wow you did well yesterday, great page count! You're killing this readathon!
