Thursday 27 March 2014

Review: The Time of Our Lives by Jane Costello

Imogen and her friends have had their fill of budget holidays, cattle-class flights and 6 a.m. offensives for a space by the pool.

So when one of the group wins a VIP holiday at Barcelona's hippest new hotel, they plan to sip champagne with the jet set, party with the glitterati and switch off in surroundings of unapologetic luxury.

But as they mingle with movie stars, mafia bosses and millionaires, it becomes clear - with riotous consequences - that even in the most glamorous of locations, things can go wrong. Very wrong . . .

Review: oh it was so nice to get back into one of Jane Costello's books again, it felt a bit like coming home. All of her books are the perfect mix of humour, love, real life and just the right percentage of eventfulness! This book was no exception! I raced through this novel because I was pulled in right from the word go and wanted so badly to find out what was going to happen that I ended up staying up really late just so I could finish it. I laughed really hard, I cried and I awed...

Imogen is just a gorgeous character, so down to earth and real it's actually amazing. I could identify with her so much. She is stressed out by work, loves her mates, loves her daughter and is a little bit scared of getting Into another relationship after her last big affair. I think it's just so great to read about a real character going through the kinds of things we all go through. Her friends on the trip are lovely as well and each have their own secondary story lines going on which is fabulous! Of course there is some male action too and there are one or two scenes which got seriously steamy thanks to the gorgeous hunk in glass Harry (loved him) he is a true gentleman and definitely my new book boyfriend! 

The storyline itself is light-hearted and yet seriously stressful at points. Because of Imogen's job, she seems to be constantly on call and at some points I really did want to just dump her phone in the sea! I was feeling the stress for her, but at the same time revelling in the sunshine and laughing at the capers her and her friends got into. There are more serious issues dealt with in the book and Jane Costello has written these very well indeed and intertwined them perfectly amongst the more serious storylines. 

Whilst I couldn't picture the setting as I haven't been to Barcelona, there was some wonderful description by the author that totally made me want to be there right now. The thought of an infinity pool, a sunny beach and a sun terrace filled me with energy, but because of that it was the perfect escapism from the British weather! This book would be a great introduction into Jane Costello's work if you've never read anything from this author before. If you are a fan of her work then you will love this new offering, the perfect summer affair and I guarantee you will not want to out it down! 

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