Welcome to Letterbox Love, this is a UK meme, hosted by the lovely Lynsey at Narratively Speaking and inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox. This post is a means by which to highlight the books we get in the post and beyond, and especially to bring attention to those books which may be sat on our shelves for a little while yet that we love all the same.
So whilst I was away buying books last week, there was a backlog of exciting looking book post building up at home! Some of the parcels were expected, some unexpected...
Two of these boxes were from the lovely people at avon, a very mysterious silver box containing an it's a boy photo frame (i had also received a letter containing a photo of a baby boy in the post-very mysterious!
Then there was another silver box with a beautifully wrapped purple parcel inside...
And in this parcel was a copy of pieces of you by Ella Harper! This book was released on ebook on Thursday and you can look back to see what I thought of this!
I also received two books from the lovely Cara at Harlequin. I got little shop of Hopes and Dreams by Fiona Harper which is released on 3rd October.
I also got this gorgeous book which is also released on 3rd October and which I am assured wil make me cry!
In one of my parcels was my order from The Book Depository which I had been waiting aaaaages for. The Book Tube Athon was sponsored by them and so they had 10% off lots if lovy books recommended by the book tubers. I ordered 3, this gorgeous copy of If I stay by Gayle Forman-just look at that lush inside cover!
I also ordered Me Earl and The Dying Girl which sounds FAB! As well as Memoirs of A Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin because Ariel Bissett always recommends this in her videos!
The I decided to treat myself to some audiobooks for the Bout of Books readathon next week! I got The Beekeepers Daughter by Santa Montefiore, One Night in Italy by Lucy Diamond and Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. Can't wait to give these a listen!

THEN I found myself at a loose end in Chiswick and wandered into Waterstones... BIG mistake-bought four books! Solitaire by Alice Oseman which is supposed to be amazing! Popular by Maya Van Wagen which I think sounds absolutely fascinating-heard good things another both of these books!
I also got Lobsters by Tom Ellen and Lucy Ivison and The Manifesto on How To Be Interesting by Holly Bourne. Both of these come highly recommended to me and I might just fave time to pick up one if these next week (hopefully!)
So I THINK that's it for now-it's the summer holidays-not working means I have more time to BUY! Anyways let me know what you got in the comments & what you think I should read first-have a GREAT week!
Wow! So many "parcels". :) I don't think we use parcels in the US. Do we? I don't. LOL. I love receiving things in the mail! Hope you have a fun time reading and opening them~
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