Thursday 14 May 2020

Bout of Books 28 Day 3 Update & Day 4 Challenge

Well Day 3 of the readathon was very much an afternoon affair, I didn't do much reading in the morning but I did have a lovely refreshing walk which was much needed. I completed today's insta challenge but I didn't host any twitter sprints. Hopefully I will be able to host some more tomorrow...

The good news is that I finished another book so I am on track! It's funny I felt like I read more today but actually I read less than the previous 2 days...


Today's challenge is bookish matchmaking over on Twitter. Don;t forget to follow me on Instagram to see today's insta challenge too!

Reading Update

I read the final 48% of this one which equates to 215 pages. 

I did read some more of this but it is hard to track my pages so I'll probably finish it tomorrow and let you know the total pages.

I read our pages for today for our buddy read. This was 80 pages. 

This one hit my kindle at 5pm (midnight UK time) and so I read 30% of it before midnight-yey!

Pages Read Today: 415

Pages Read This Week: 1496

Complete Books Finished: 3


  1. I'm impressed by how much you are reading per day, Fabulous Book Fiend! Good on you!
